Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 8: Lecture

No lecture this week! That means I don’t have to do a blog right? Wrong! We got the lovely lecture notes posted onto the Learning @ Griffith site and had to come to our own conclusions about things from there. That’s fine enough because we had to do the same thing thanks to the Ekka holidays. However what I don’t like is the fact that this week’s topic is CyberPolitics and eDemocracy. I don’t like having to think about Politics and Democracy as it is and just because it’s to do with the online world doesn’t make this topic any less interesting.

Reading the lectures notes is quite an effort until I get to the section about Cyberpunk Themes. The first section discusses technology and mythology. This section raises some important points the main one which got me thinking was technological advancement comes at a price, as can be seen in the human cost of the industrial revolution and in the environmental problems that have arisen with industrial development this century. This is very true. We’ve learnt from being humans that something always comes as cost.

An earlier question raised was whether we would care if machines took over? I think we would. Machines do play a larger part in our lives and in society but if machines took over what would humans do? Do we stop living our lives and just wait to die? I know I don’t want that. Machines should be created to help make life easier but I don’t want things to get so easy that I don’t need to do anything because a machine is there doing it for me.

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