Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 9: Lecture

This week’s lecture brought with it some strangeness thanks to Jason Nelson but I have to say this by far has been the best lecture yet. He really should have had some more lectures because he made this weeks topics of CyberUtopia very interesting.

As Jason tried to tell us about the dot com crash he started to reminisce about his first kiss with a lovely Sandra who no longer is lovely because she looks strange. What does Sandra have to do with anything you’re probably asking yourself? Well Sandra was worth 2 million dollars in December of 1999 and then in February she was only worth 500 dollars. Quite a large difference wouldn’t you say? This happened due to the fact that companies didn’t know how to use the Internet in a constructive way so companies were pumping money into the net but then no money was being pumped out meaning that investments crashed. The result? The dot com crash.

After Jason reminded us about Sandra a few mores times and got upset that a girl sitting in front of me left the lecture we moved onto the wonderful and very strange world of networking sites. Now I only say they are strange because the ones that we looked at were. For all of you out there who fantasies about being an elf and living in an elf town you now can! Welcome to Elftown or if you’ve always wanted to teach others how to be a psychic vampire because you are one you can join the world of Vampire Rave. It makes me wonder though. If we think that sites such as Elftown or Vampire Rave are strange would people who join these sites think that Facebook or MySpace as weird?

The lecture finished with Jason showing us some of his work. Take a look at Secret Technology. Very interesting site.

A big thank you to Jason for not only teaching me something but also making this the best lecture.

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