Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Future?

For the Week 3 Tutorial we needed to find a video to embed on our blog to do with communication. This is the one I found.

I think some of the ideas that the video talks about are very possible. It’s true that the internet already has so much influence over things now. You no longer need to get the paper newspaper because you can read it online. I use News to get all the information I need as I usually don’t have time to watch the actual news when they are on. It's the same with some of the TV shows I watch. Instead of watching them when they are on I can just continue my study or whatever else I'm doing and come back to it later that night and not miss out on anything. The Internet has become something very unique. It's both good and bad in a way. It's good because the Internet is such a powerful tool but it can also be bad because of that same reason.

The knowledge that is out there is great for assignments and gathering the information you need. It’s now easier then ever to keep in touch with family and friends whether they are here in Australia or overseas somewhere. Those are some of the things that make it great but then there are also reasons why it isn’t always the best thing either.

Crimes using computers and mobiles are more commonly heard of now then ever before. These can include Cyber bullying, Cyber stalking, child pornography etc. As the video mentions anyone can be someone else online. Who is to stop someone from pretending that they are in fact another person? Laws are being developed and improved to include the new crimes that haven’t been seen before. It makes me wonder what other ways people are going to come up with to help aid them in their criminal activities.

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