Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Mystery of Search Engines

Search engines are a wonderful concept but can also be very frustrating especially when you’re trying to decide which one to use to give you all the best sites. How do you choose between Google ,Yahoo , Wikipedia , Ask Jeeves and the rest of them? It’s hard.

For me I made a choice and have stuck with it for a few years now. Yahoo. I find it gets me the best results and is easy to use. I used to always use Google but for some reason Yahoo won me over. I think it’s because I can do more on the page then just search for things. For example I can check my horoscope, see what’s happening on the news, see what the weather is like and even decide what to watch on television that day thanks to the useful TV Guide. It just makes the site more interesting to use instead of having to search for all of these things in the Google search engine. Plus it’s more colourful. I am a sucker when it comes to those kinds of things. You know how companies make pretty and colourful packaging for things to try and grab the consumer’s attention and make them purchase that product? Well I always do even when I don’t need that item.

So how do search engines rank the stuff they find on the internet? I’ve never really though about that until this class. Guess I am learning something after all. There are a few different things that will lead a certain site to be ranked higher then others. These being:
Key terms - the term you type into the search engine
Title - title of the document or webpage
Description - outline of what the page is about
Keyword meta-tag - list of key words for that site
These ideas where discovered at Yahoo Help and there are more useful tips which i haven't mentioned.

So now that you have some information about the effectiveness of search engines you can now try and make you’re site the highest ranked site on the Internet. Good luck!

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